Live Stream Special: KISSsys - Planetary Stage Gearboxes

Fecha Sep 21, 2023 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Formación Online
Idioma Inglés
Nivel Especial
Proceso Software de Diseño
Proveedor KISSsoft AG
Duración de la clase 1 session of 4 hours incl. breaks
Price Tags € 400.00 per person

KISSsys® is a powerful tool to model and analyze entire transmission groups. The KISSsys training consists of 3 individual parts that build on each other. The special topic is about the modeling and the calculation of planetary stage gearboxes. 

The training is meant for design engineers and everybody who likes to calculate gearboxes using a system tool. In order to participate in this training course, participants should have a basic knowledge of KISSsys or should have participated in the KISSsys trainings on Modeling Gearboxes and System calculations. 

Dates and Times
The training will take place as follows:

For participants in Europe
September 21, 2023: CEST 02:00 pm - 06:00 pm (Brussels)

For participants in parts of the Americas:
September 21, 2023: EDT 08:00 am - 12:00 pm (New York)


The special topic is about the modeling and calculation of planetary stage gearboxes. Different application examples will be shown at the beginning. Kinematics of more complex planetary stages will be shown and build thereafter. The strength calculation of gears, shafts and bearings of planetary stages will be as well performed in the system.

The full schedule is provided in the training program.

You will need a notebook to actively participate in the training course. It is advantageous to have 2 screens, but this is not a prerequisite.  

Registration deadline: September 18, 2023
Before the start of the training, participants will receive an actual test version, electronic training documentation and an invitation link to join the Live Stream training.


Upon successful completion of the course, a training certificate is issued.